
We offer a variety of programs! From classes in Karate, fitness, self defense and firearms training, and our Firearms simulator, we have something for everyone!  See our class schedule for more information.

Shorin Ryu  Karate

Welcome to BMAC, where we specialize in the in-depth and practical teaching of Shorin-Ryu karate, one of the oldest styles of martial arts originated from Okinawa. Unlike sport karate commonly taught in other schools, Shorin-Ryu emphasizes the development of effective self-defense techniques that have withstood the test of various combat situations over time.

Our core teaching method involves a deep-dive into the traditional kata. The kata practice preserves the rich heritage of Shorin-Ryu and redefines the essential fighting strategies. Within our progressive learning modules, we include kata-based sparring and bunkai. Bunkai is an integral part of our training, focusing on interpreting and applying practical kata movements in real-life situations.

At BMAC, we believe in maintaining the dignity and respect of the traditional rank system. Rank is not given but earned, reinforcing the value of hard work and commitment. We do not offer participation trophies; instead, our students’ achievements are marked by their advancement through ranks. Our rank testing is held 2-3 times a year, purely at the instructor’s discretion.

Our programs are set to cater a range of needs with:
– The Wee Warriors Program for our younger students.
– The Beginner Program for those new to Shorin-Ryu karate.
– The Combined Beginner & Advanced Program.
– The Adult Daytime Karate Program.

For more information about our karate programs , we encourage you to reach out via email or call. Embrace the authentic experience of Shorin-Ryu karate with us, where the deep-seated traditional teachings meet practical self-defense strategies.

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Self Defense

Below are the many reasons why self-defense training is essential. We pride ourselves on creating custom programs for you and your group or organization.

1. Personal Safety: Understanding that danger can lurk around any corner is the first step towards self-protection. Self-defense training provides you with skills and techniques to protect yourself, ensuring your safety and even survival during unfortunate incidents.

2. Increase in self-confidence: Gaining knowledge of self-defense techniques can boost your confidence, making you more assertive in all aspects of life. It means you’re capable of looking after yourself and your interests.

3. Improves physical conditioning: Besides learning to defend yourself, the physical aspect of self-defense training can help improve your fitness level, agility, strength, and motor coordination.

4. Teaches discipline and focus: Proper self-defense training requires concentration, dedication, and practice. These transferable skills can improve your performance not just within the class, but in your professional life and personal pursuits as well.

5. Encourages self-respect: By investing time and energy into self-defense training, you’re demonstrating respect for yourself.

6. Everyday application: The awareness, confidence, and physical conditioning you accrue through self-defense training can help in your day-to-day life. You’ll learn to be more observant of your surroundings and more mindful of your actions.

Just like investing in insurance to protect your valuables, investing in self-defense training is a wise investment to protect the most valuable asset – yourself. We all hope we will never need to utilize these skills, but if the need arises, being prepared could mean the difference between life and death. At the end of the day, your personal safety and well-being are priceless. Don’t hesitate! Contact us today because as you rightly said, the world isn’t getting any safer..

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Firearms Simulator

 The use of advanced training tools such as the BMAC SiM featuring the Laser Shot Simulator takes firearm training to the next level. It plays a crucial role in providing various scenarios to expose trainees to multiple practical applications, boosting their skills and confidence in handling fire-arms.

1. Judgmental Shooting Using Force: Real-time scenarios are replicated using this laser shot simulator offering trainees a chance to gauge situations requiring the use of force judiciously. It teaches them to react suitably under pressure, assessing the threats accurately and responding appropriately.

2. Conceal Carry Scenarios: The simulator provides crystal clear training on how and when to carry concealed firearms, training individuals on the rules, regulations, and methodologies of carrying concealed weapons.

3. Church Safety Scenarios: With unfortunate incidents happening all over the world, church safety has become an area of concern. The program recreates scenarios to prepare church safety teams to deal with potential conflicts or violent situations effectively, ensuring the safety of the congregation.

4. Marksmanship and Competitive Shooting: A laser handgun helps hone the shooting skills of individuals in a safe environment. Not only is it beneficial for amateurs, but it is also ideal for marksmen and competitive shooters to refine their skills and improve their shooting accuracy.

With realistic laser handguns, inert taser, OC (pepper) spray, and other  devices, individuals are trained to react in life-threatening situations, providing an unparalleled learning experience.

This program is indeed valuable – not only for citizens who want to learn how to protect themselves and their families, but also for professionals such as local law enforcement officers and security personnel who can gain tremendous experience and knowledge from such scenarios. This kind of training can go a long way in enhancing their skills, confidence, and subsequent performance in real-world situations. The broad spectrum of scenarios it covers makes it a comprehensive training tool to ensure public safety and order.

Booked by appointment only. Portable and can travel.

**Recently added more software and two new simulated recoil weapons!

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Fitness Classes

Kickboxing is a wonderful way not only to enhance one’s cardio endurance but also to improve overall body strength, flexibility, and balance. Plus, self-defense techniques. It’s a fun yet intense form of full-body workout that can benefit people of all fitness levels.

We offer personal training options too. Sometimes, it’s not easy for beginners or even regular gym-goers to find their way around a proper, balanced exercise routine. Professional guidance in the form of personal training can be indispensable to individuals who want to maximize their workout results, avoid injury, and stay motivated.

Strength training, can noticeably help in boosting metabolic rates, increasing muscle mass, and enhancing bone density. It can also contribute to better body mechanics, playing an essential role in everyday actions, improving performance in other exercises, and preventing injuries.

Remember, fitness is a journey, and it’s great to find a guide who can make that journey enjoyable yet fruitful!

Coming Soon, we just partnered with Renew Active, Aaptiv and One Pass. New classes coming in April!

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Firearms Training

As an NRA Certified Instructor, I am committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality instruction in firearms safety, handling, and operation. My top priority is ensuring all my students have a strong foundation in the principles of responsible gun ownership and use. The classes are deliberately structured to cover a wide array of subject matters. This will include:

1. Fundamentals: This section focuses on the basic principles of shooting, including rules for safe gun handling, rifle, and pistol parts, shooting positions, and bullet trajectory. Students will also learn about the various types of ammunition, their components, and the fundamentals of ammunition safety.

2. Safety: This critical section of coursework deep dives into the importance of firearms safety in various scenarios. We’ll address safe gun storage to prevent unauthorized use, how to apply safety practices at home and at shooting ranges, and specific steps to follow during shooting malfunctions or stoppages.

3. Cleaning: We’ll also cover how to perform routine maintenance on your firearms to ensure that they function efficiently and safely. This will include how to disassemble, clean, lubricate, and reassemble your firearms.

4. Use of Force: This part of the course will educate you on lawful use of force, helping you to understand scenarios where use of a firearm is legal or illegal, self-defense laws, and how to avoid dangerous situations. Before you step foot on a real shooting range, you will practice using a state-of-the-art Use of Force Firearms Simulator. This sophisticated training tool interfaces with simulated scenarios to provide a safe environment where you can practice handling and firing. It enables you to gain confidence in your handling skills and decision-making abilities under different situations before progressing to live fire practice.

My overall goal is to provide an in-depth education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely and responsibly use, maintain, and store firearms. I look forward to helping you on your journey to becoming confident, proficient, and safe firearms owners and operators. Private and small group classes available. Schedule today!

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Seminars & Private Instruction

We offer a broad spectrum of personal safety and security training services, ranging from self-defense seminars and workshops to simulator and firearms training. Whether you’re a small group or a large corporate business, our program is designed to fit your needs. We also provide private instruction that is subject to availability due to high demand. To get more information or to know about our pricing, feel free to drop us an email. We will be more than happy to cater to your queries.

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BMAC Products

Coming 2024 BMAC wearables, self defense products, conceal carry holsters, survival supplies, books and more! Stop by and see a few of the new items we have already available.

Online site coming soon!

Adult Programs

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Shorin Ryu Karate

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Fitness Classes

Join us for Kickboxing in the evenings Tue & Thu at 5:30 or HITT Bootcamp in the mornings Mon – Thu 6:50am!

Need a little fitness push? I am happy to assist! Personal training is an option, specializing in strength training, but also enjoy helping with weight-loss, general fitness and wellbeing.
Stay tuned, On Demand and live classes will be coming in the new year!

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Self-Protection Workshops

Self-Defense Seminars and workshops available for small groups to large corporate businesses. Private instruction is available on a limited basis. E-mail for pricing.

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Firearms Training

NRA Certified Instructor. Classes teach fundamentals, safety, cleaning and more. Practice using the Firearms Simulator before going to the range! Private and group classes.

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Lasershot Simulations

BMAC SiM featuring Laser Shot Simulator, scenario training in Judgmental Shooting ( JTS use of force), conceal carry scenarios, Church scenarios for church safety teams, plus marksmanship and competitive shooting just to name a few!
All using realistic laser handguns, taser, OC spray, and more! This program is not just for citizens, but with the Law Enforcement scenarios, this would be great for local Law Enforcement officers, Security personnel and other professionals.

Booked by appointment only. Portable and can travel.

**Recently added more software and two new simulated recoil weapons!

E-mail to book your session today!